Bird watching can be a relaxing and rewarding hobby. But, it can be difficult to spot birds in the wild. That's why creating a backyard oasis for birds is a great way to attract them to your home. Here are five tips to help you attract birds to your backyard.

  1. Provide food - Birds need a reliable source of food to keep coming back to your backyard. You can provide this by setting up bird feeders. There are many different types of bird feeders available, but the most common are tube, hopper, and suet feeders. Different types of feeders attract different types of birds, so do some research to figure out what types of birds you want to attract. Additionally, you can plant fruit-bearing trees and shrubs that provide food for birds.
  2. Provide water - Just like humans, birds need water to survive. Providing a source of clean water can attract birds to your backyard. You can set up a birdbath or even a small pond. Make sure to keep the water clean and change it regularly to prevent the spread of disease.
  3. Provide shelter - Birds need a place to rest and shelter from the elements. You can provide this by setting up birdhouses or nesting boxes. Different types of birds prefer different types of houses, so do some research to figure out what types of birds you want to attract. Additionally, you can plant trees and shrubs that provide cover for birds.
  4. Create a bird-friendly environment - Birds need a safe environment to feel comfortable in your backyard. You can create a bird-friendly environment by minimizing the use of pesticides and herbicides in your yard. Additionally, you can create a variety of habitats by planting a diverse array of native plants.
  5. Be patient - Attracting birds to your backyard takes time and patience. It may take several weeks or even months before birds start visiting your backyard. Once they do, it's important to continue providing food, water, and shelter to keep them coming back.

All you really have to do is create a backyard oasis for birds if you want to  attract them to your home. By providing food, water, shelter, creating a bird-friendly environment, and being patient, you can attract a variety of beautiful birds to your backyard.   Check out our store to see the awesome items we have to help you create the oasis your bird friends, and yourself, want!
